Attention motorcyclists and community champions: EverDry Toledo is organizing a Ride & Rally Poker Run on Saturday, September 16, 2017 to benefit the Miracle League of NW Ohio. Help us help this worthy cause by donating or participating. Our goal is to help raise enough funds for this group to resurface their baseball field!
Who is the Miracle League of NW Ohio?
The Miracle League of NW Ohio provides opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball. They strive to provide special needs adults and children the opportunity to experience the joy and benefit that come from playing our nation’s pastime – baseball.
The Miracle League of Northwest Ohio is working on raising funds to enhance and provide handicap accessibility to the field in Northwood, Ohio. Learn more about this amazing group at http://www.mlnwo.org/.
What Exactly is this Event?
The Ride & Rally Poker Run has two components.
- The Ride: Motorcycle participants will begin at EverDry Toledo on Centennial Rd. where they will register and select the first card of their poker hand. From there, motorcyclists will begin the ride to the destination, stopping at three additional locations along the way to select their remaining cards. The final card will be selected at the destination, the American Legion #468 hall in Sylvania. Prizes will be awarded for the best poker hand, the 2nd best hand, and the worst hand.
- The Rally: Non-riders will rally with motorcyclists at the American Legion #468 hall in Sylvania beginning at 2:00 pm for a family-friendly event including live music, food & beverages, a 50/50 raffle, and LOTS gift raffles.
Ride & Rally Poker Run Event Details
Here are ALL the details of the days event. Please consider joining us or making a donation.
Event: Saturday, September 16, 2017
Motorcycle Riders
Registration begins at 11:00 am at EverDry Waterproofing, 2930 Centennial Rd., Toledo, OH 43617.
- FREE t-shirt to the first 50 riders!
- Cost is $20 per bike and $10 per rider (includes food, soda, water, and $1.00 beer at the rally)
- Kickstands up at 12:30 pm.
Destination & Rally: American Legion #468, 5580 Centennial Rd., Sylvania, OH, 43560.
Poker & Prizes
The first card for your poker hand will be drawn at EverDry Toledo before the ride begins. The last card will be drawn at 3:00 pm at the American Legion #468, with three additional stops/cards along the ride.
Prizes will be awarded for the following poker hands:
- Home Run (best hand) – $100.00
- 1st Base (second best hand) – $50.00
- Strike Out (worst hand) – $25.00
Rally Participants
The rally begins at 2:00 pm at the American Legion #468, 5580 Centennial Rd., Sylvania, OH, 43560. This is a family-friendly event and ALL are welcome!
The rally cost for non-riders is $5 per adult and $2 per child (12 and under). This fee includes food, soda, water, and $1.00 beer.
Everyone will enjoy:
- Live band
- 50/50 raffle
- LOTS of gift raffles
- Food & beverages
Can’t Participate? Make A Donation!
If you are a local business or individual that would like to donate to this worthy cause, please make your check out to the Miracle League of Northwest Ohio and mail it to EverDry Toledo at 2930 Centennial Rd., Toledo, OH 43617.
EverDry Toledo will present the total amount raised at the close of the event!
We greatly appreciate your involvement in supporting our fundraising event. Your contribution will help the Miracle League of NW Ohio provide an updated field with handicap accessibility and ensure disabled adults and children can continue to enjoy America’s pastime!
If you have question about the Ride & Rally Poker Run fundraising event or making a donation, please contact Melissa Bumpus, Finance Manager, EverDry Toledo, at 419-841-6055.