Do I Need to Waterproof My Basement?

By:    |   Published June 30, 2020

Owning a home comes with unfortunate risks. Fire damage, wind damage and water damage are all potential threats. While you can only take so many steps to avoid fire and wind threats, water damage is one area where you can truly be proactive. Many homeowners ask “do I need to waterproof my basement?”  read more

Common Sources of Moisture & Water in Basements

By:    |   Published May 29, 2020

The joys of being a homeowner can quickly turn sour when you have moisture problems. Between water damage costs and the risks of mold, you need to keep your basement dry! To diagnose your basement moisture issue, you should start by investigating for the most common sources of water in basement areas.   read more

Indoor Air Pollution Sources & Solutions to Help You Breathe Easy

By:    |   Published April 14, 2020

We all know pollution is something to avoid, but to many, it’s a concept that only applies to big cities and the outdoors. Indoor air pollution is a real problem – and it affects as many as half of the homes across the United States! As we spend more time in our homes, we may get the feeling of needing to step outside for fresh air or a resurgence in allergy symptoms like sneezing. These may be signs of pollutants in your home, reducing the air quality and affecting your long-term health! read more

Don’t Get Left Underwater! Follow These Steps to Avoid Buying a House with Water Damage

By:    |   Published October 29, 2019

Searching for a house can be exciting and, at times, overwhelming. Once you finally find “the one,” the last thing you want is to discover that you are the proud new owner of a house with water damage.  Buying a house with water damage can be a nightmare, especially if you are unaware of the damage prior to the purchase. The following tips can help you be an informed buyer and avoid unknowingly buying a house with water damage. read more

Warped Paneling Problems: The Causes & Solutions

By:    |   Published May 28, 2019

To some, wood paneling is synonymous with orange shag carpet and avocado-colored appliances of the 1950s through 1970s. But paneling is making a comeback for many reasons. Paneling is a way to bring the beauty of the outdoors inside. A rustic look can be achieved with reclaimed – or reclaimed looking – paneling.  Wainscoting has become a popular decorating choice as well as running panels horizontally to give a room character. Many times, paneling is white-washed or painted a neutral color such as gray. Wood paneling is more durable than drywall or wallpaper and can even protect your walls. read more

Health Risks of Mold Exposure & How to Keep Your Home Mold Free

By:    |   Published January 24, 2019

There are thousands of species of the fungi commonly known as mold. Mold exposure, especially for those with asthma or mold sensitivities, poses a serious risk to your home and family. Everything from yourself, to your pets to even your belongings can be harmed due to mold exposure. So what exactly are the health risks of mold exposure? Let’s look at the impact of mold and how to keep your home mold free. read more

Black Mold Identification & Stopping It at the Source

By:    |   Published August 1, 2017

House molds are a growing concern in the minds of homeowners across the nation. Regardless of your area’s climate, leaks and cracks can promote mold growth in any nook or cranny of your home. Often, these growths go unnoticed for days, weeks or even months, allowing them to become health hazards and even damage your property. Certain molds are more dangerous than others; black mold identification in particular has become an important topic for property owners.

But how do you know which molds are dangerous and which are benign? It starts with knowing the properties of mold and understanding the symptoms they can cause. Read on and learn about house molds that could be affecting your family right now!

Stachybotrys Atra: Infamously Known as the “Black Mold”

Stachybotrys atra, or Stachybotyrs chartroom, is a specific type of toxic mold. This is what most people refer to when they say, “black mold.” While sometimes found in grain or soil, it’s much more frequently found in building materials that are rich in cellulose – often following water damage. High moisture content is a requirement for black mold to grow, so it is unlikely to be found in homes that are properly inspected and have been protected through waterproofing services.

This species of mold appears black or dark green, and has a unique shiny looking surface. Some would describe it as slimy-looking, but if it dries it often becomes gray and powder-like. The problem is when it comes to black mold identification, the only real way to confirm if it’s the dangerous, toxic species is with a microscope. Many different molds have similar appearance to Stachybotrys atra. Only with careful examination by an expert, practicing caution, can the species be accurately identified.

Low levels of Stachybotrys atra tend not to have any effect, though if you’re immuno-compromised it’s more likely to cause symptoms. Larger volumes of the mold lead to higher exposure, which can cause a variety of symptoms sometimes referred to as Toxic Mold Syndrome:

  • Chronic coughing or sneezing
  • Throat irritation
  • Rashes
  • Sinusitis
  • Asthmatic Attacks
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Persistent Headaches

These symptoms usually diminish or clear completely soon after removing the mold and its source.

Black mold affects animals too. While you may not notice a small spot of mold growing in that dark corner of your basement, you can be sure your pet will! Their curious nature may lead them to direct contact with the mold, causing illness or other reactions. If you have pets, keep an eye out for symptoms and take them to the vet immediately! Then,

contact a professional to inspect and locate the source of your mold problems. read more

When Water is Coming into Your Basement, Who Should You Call?

By:    |   Published January 25, 2017

Some surprises are great – like finding $20 in your coat pocket. Others – like finding water in your basement – not so much. If you’ve discovered water in your basement and you’re not sure where it came from, who should you call for help – a plumber or a foundation repair expert? The answer to that mystery can probably be deduced from a few simple questions.

Where is the Water Located? read more

Are There Insects in Your Basement? You May Have a Moisture Problem!

By:    |   Published September 20, 2016

Unless you’re an insect enthusiast, you’re probably less than thrilled to find bugs in your basement. But those bugs could indicate that you have a bigger problem – a damp basement problem – and the only way to get rid of them is to get rid of the moisture that’s luring them in.

Bugs love a damp basement. And who can blame them? They have everything they need: a constant supply of food and moisture, ideal temperatures, and a safe place to hide from predators. Usually, basement bugs are shy – you’ll typically only catch a glimpse of them as they run for cover when you turn the lights on. Even if you don’t see them, but you notice you have a healthy crop of spiders taking up residence downstairs, chances are you still have basement bugs. Spiders find them quite tasty and are much happier to see them than you are.

In our region, there are 6 types of insects that thrive in dark, damp, basements. While they may not give you a warm, fuzzy feeling, they are harmless. If you see them, or notice an increase in spiders, start looking for damp areas in and around your basement.


Silverfish, otherwise known as fish moths, are small, wingless, silver-grey insects. They’re nocturnal, so you’ll rarely see one unless you happen to disturb it. They live on paper, fabric, coffee, sugar, human hair, and clothing. You can temporarily get rid of them without pesticides by putting out some cedar, or spray crevices with cedar oil. You can also try sticky traps, which are somewhat effective in controlling them.


Centipedes are pretty unmistakable characters in the insect world. Their name in Latin means “100 feet,” and they’ll use every one of them to skitter away from you and around your basement as fast as they can. Unlike silverfish, centipedes are carnivorous – the species that live in our area are mostly harmless, but they can bite if you pick them up with your bare fingers. Centipedes’ favorite meals include cockroaches, flies, moths, crickets, silverfish, earwigs and small spiders. You can best limit their love for your basement by keeping it clean, removing the debris that would attract their favorite prey.

Mold Mites

If you have mold in your basement, chances are you have mold mites, too. Mold mites are tiny white insects about the size of a pin head. They feed on the mold that grows in basements, as well as flour, grains, or many other kinds of agricultural products (they’re always plentiful in mills and other food processing facilities). Mold mites can cause allergic reactions in humans resulting in itching and even respiratory problem, so it’s important to make your home as inhospitable as possible to them by getting rid of the mold and other food sources.


Earwigs are every bit as cute and cuddly as their name implies. These brown, creepy-crawly insects got their name because they were once thought to lay eggs in humans’ ears – which is, thankfully, untrue. But their fierce appearance, courtesy of a pair of pincers on their abdomens (used for holding prey and fighting rivals) does nothing to improve their reputation. Earwigs love rotting vegetation, and if you have cracks in your foundation, it’s easy for them to crawl out of the garden mulch right into your basement. They’re also attracted to moist areas, so a damp basement can be earwig oasis. Keep them at bay by removing rotting wood or vegetation around your house’s foundation and sealing up any cracks they use as an entrance.


A woodlouse, by any other name (aka armadillo bug, roly poly bug, sow bug, pill bug), still loves a damp basement. These little bugs that you may have played with as a kid are actually helpful outdoor insects because they create compost as they chew threw rotting wood and loosen the soil. But if you find them in your basement, it could indicate you have a serious basement moisture! The best way to evict them from your basement is to get rid of any sources of moisture.


Outside, their call may seem to represent a warm summer night in the country. Inside, these ventriloquists of the insect world can keep you up all night with their incessant chirping – which never seems to come from the location you think it does. Crickets are, for the most part, just annoying – but they will eat dried organic matter, including cotton and wool. Not only that, they’re not shy about leaving digested traces of their meal behind. Unlike the other basement bugs, crickets aren’t so much attracted to moisture as they are attracted to dark hiding places and easy food sources. But their presence in your basement could indicate you have cracks in your foundation, which makes it easy for them to get in. Seal up the cracks and any other easy ports of entry.

Your Best Solution

No matter how much you squish, trap, or spray, you’ll never fully get rid of these basement bugs until their buffet is removed your basement is dry and sealed. Identify and eliminate their food sources any obvious causes for basement moisture. Add a dehumidifier if necessary. Inspect your foundation and basement windows for any cracks or crevices that they may use to get in and seal as necessary.

Let Us Help with Your Basement Inspection!

Do basement bugs have you wondering if you have a basement moisture problem? Team EverDry is here to help! Contact us online or give us a call at (419) 469-5833 to schedule 

a free 20-point basement inspection read more