Avoid These Basement Foundation Repair Mistakes to Keep Your Home Waterproofed!

By:    |   Published December 30, 2019
A home in need of basement foundation repair is lifted off its foundation.

Let’s face it; even though your basement is the foundation of your home, it is not always the first thing on your mind when it comes to repairs. Things like broken appliances, peeling paint, and worn carpet are things that homeowners – or their guests – see on a regular basis; so they are more likely to be the things that get addressed.

When it comes to basement foundation repair, a “that will do for now,” attitude often comes with creative rearranging of shelves, furniture, or even strategically hung pictures to hide cracks or mold that may be lurking in the basement.

But hiding or “decorating” a seemingly small problem in the short term can end up becoming a large problem in the long run.

Waiting Until Critical Mass

Basement foundation repair problems are a lot like having an oil leak in your car. The longer you wait to fix it, the worse it’s going to be to deal with; and you may end up with permanent engine damage if you ignore the problem too long.

When it comes to foundation problems, taking a “wait and see” attitude is not a good idea. Don’t be one of those homeowners who sees signs of a foundation problem and thinks that turning off the basement light and shutting the door will change the situation.

Unlike a check engine light, foundation problems will only get worse, they will never go away if left unaddressed. And, it should be no surprise that as foundation problems like cracks get worse; they become more difficult and costly to repair.

There have been instances when homeowners come home to find that small crack has become a totally flooded basement and a home that’s unsafe to live in. Simply put, if you notice a problem, schedule an inspection.

Trying to “DIY” Everything

Most basement foundation repair requires a professional, but there are some things that can be addressed yourself. If you find tiny cracks, they can often be repaired by a homeowner who has knowledge of, or experience with, patching. However, it is possible that trying to do repairs yourself could end up backfiring and leading in the direction of major problems. Often times issues arise that appear to be “DIY-friendly.” But some repairs can be more complicated than meets the eye.

It’s possible to mask the signs of a bigger problem that is developing, such as exterior pressure on your foundation. You may innocently be patching over a seemingly minor crack yet, if it isn’t filled correctly, a major foundation issue could arise. A trained professional can properly assess the situation and address it before it becomes a huge problem. Your home’s foundation is too important to be left to chance. If you are at all unsure of the situation, DIY is not the way to go.

Ignoring the Exit Route

When people think of waterproofing their home, they think about stopping water from coming in. While this is an important piece of the waterproofing process, ensuring that water will be properly directed away from your home and off your property is also a piece of the puzzle that shouldn’t be overlooked.

It common to see homeowners take measures to stop water from coming in but never address a plan to ensure adequate drainage. Oftentimes DIYers, or those who decline full waterproofing solutions, will address the former but ignore or try to cut costs with the latter. They end up without good drainage systems and when the water has nowhere to go, bigger problems are just around the corner.

Remember, it’s just as important to ensure that the soil around your home is well-maintained and drainage is properly planned in order to protect your home from water damage and basement foundation repair.

Stopping When the Immediate Problem is Solved

Once a crack is repaired or a leak is plugged, you’re done, right? While it may be tempting to think so, it’s not always that easy with basement foundation repair. Just because you fill in a crack doesn’t mean that you’ve addressed the source of the water intrusion or fixed the whole problem, you’ve only fixed the symptom.

Remember, when you have drainage or foundation problems, even if they’re infrequent, you’re more likely to experience more severe issues later on if you don’t look at the overall picture and address all aspects of waterproofing. If you have had previous damage, constant mold or other foundation problems, take the proper precautions sooner than later to prevent a major foundation failure.

You may be frugal, but no one wants their basement or foundation to be a water damage disaster waiting to happen.  Only foundation repair and waterproofing experts will have the experience to know where to look and what to look for to ensure your basement’s integrity.

Investing in Cheap Solutions

No one wants to pay more than necessary for repairs. Unfortunately, there are times when simple solutions (like crack injections) won’t be enough to stop a problem. When it comes to home repairs, a foundation at risk can’t be ignored. There are many types of home repairs where cost-cutting, budget options can get you by; however a foundation can’t be saved if you always look for the cheapest option.

Don’t let the fear of overpaying discourage you from taking repairs to your foundation seriously. If you add up the costs of budget fixes every time an issues pops up, you may find that it’s more expensive in the long run than if you had simply invested in your basement foundation repair with a full waterproofing solution.


Schedule Your FREE Annual Foundation Inspection

The best way to protect your home from winter water damage is with professional waterproofing. EverDry Toledo can help with a FREE 20-point basement inspection! We’ll help you find out if your home is at risk for water damage and which solutions will best serve you.

Contact us online to schedule an appointment or give us a call at (419) 469-5833 and schedule your inspection today!

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